
Traditional Graduation Photos

- At Star-Light Studios, we schedule the time necessary to offer a unique personalized service, tailored to your specific needs.

- The professional guidance and session time offered at Star-Light Studios, is not available through most contract school photography services.

- Creating images with clear and positive messages that are easily understood by others.

- Graduation portraits which speak to the most basic questions in life.

- Portraits presenting individuals as, friendly, healthy, and open to building new relationships.

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Drapes, Tuxedos

- High school senior yearbook pictures; girls most often wear a black drape and the guys most often wear tuxedos.

- We provide drapes and tuxedos in a wide range of sizes for your traditional high school senior graduation portraits.

- Traditional senior portraits are often created to meet specific yearbook guidelines.

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College Graduation . . .

- Bring your college: bachelors, masters, doctoral and PhD regalia including the academic gown, cap, doctoral tam and tassel.

- Accessories: honor stole, hood, honor cords, date charm, diplomas.

- Ornaments: those carried at your graduation as an indication of your educational status.

- We have generic cap and gowns in black or white, along with a wide selection of tassels and date charms.

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Graduation Attire

- We maintain an extensive collection of: caps, gowns, tassels, and date charms for traditional graduation portraits.

- These include a wide variety of sizes and colors to match those used in most Public and Private High Schools.

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Girls . . .

- For the traditional cap and gown portraits, bring a white or off white blouse or tank top.

- What to wear under senior drape ? Strapless or straps that can be moved to the edge of the shoulder.

Guys . . .

- For a traditional look, it is best to bring a long sleeve dress shirt and a tie to wear under your graduation gown.

- Color coordinated or neutral tones for the dress shirt and tie.

- We have a limited selection of dress shirts and ties.

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Yearbook Photos


- Your high school senior yearbook portrait will become an icon beside your name, an image which will often represent you.

- The best portraits represent us as friendly and healthy individuals, interested in, and open to, building new relationships.

- You never know which friendship or relationship will provide you the opportunity to do or achieve what you want most in life.

- You have the right to choose a professional photographer, and have a portrait created for the school yearbook; contrary to what school officials may say.

- Individuals or organization can not obligate you through contracts they sign, or tell you where to spend your money.

- We can, and do provide senior portraits to meet your yearbook guidelines.

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Looking Ahead

- Cameras are everywhere. With the evolution of our ability to capture, save and transmit photographs, our portraits will often create those important first impressions.

- Consequently, our children's public image, and to some extent their future, will be directly affected by these images.

- In today's world, we need to be concerned with impressions our portraits project, as they are likely to be published.

- We take the time to provide graduates with an understanding of the natural positions and expressions work best for them on camera.

- Creating images, which project a friendly and engaging personality, are more important than ever.

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- Check out our Traditional Graduation Portrait Galleries ...

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Star-Light Studios . . . Questions ? . . . 301 - 498 - 2524
